14 Best Poses for Period Cramps [Yoga Teacher Advices]

I am a Yoga instructor myself and I did select those favorite yoga poses for your cramps . You don’t need yoga mat or yoga block, but this is obviously better for your practice if you have some. For painful menstrual cramps, the best is to work on your internal organs . Don’t forget to practice deep breathing during your poses
Learn about Yoga Poses for Cramps. Discover effective yoga poses for cramps to alleviate discomfort and promote relaxation. Learn how these gentle stretches can provide relief and enhance your well-being.
Yoga poses, also known as asanas, are physical postures practiced in yoga to promote strength, flexibility, and balance. These poses are integral components of yoga practice and are often combined with breathwork and meditation to enhance overall well-being. Each yoga pose serves a specific purpose, targeting different muscle groups and energy centers in the body.
Yoga poses cater to a wide range of practitioners, from beginners to advanced, providing a diverse array of movements that promote physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Regular practice of yoga poses can enhance fitness, alleviate stress, and foster a deeper mind-body-spirit connection, serving as a means of self-discovery, self-care, and personal growth.
Yoga Poses for Cramps

Understanding Cramps
Before diving into the yoga poses, it’s essential to understand what causes cramps. Menstrual cramps, for example, are often caused by hormonal fluctuations and uterine contractions. Meanwhile, exercise-induced cramps can result from muscle fatigue and dehydration. By addressing the root cause of cramps, yoga can effectively soothe discomfort and promote overall well-being.
Best Poses for Period Cramps
Please find below my best poses for your period cramps :

1. Adapted Child’s Pose
Adapted Child’s Pose provides gentle stretching for the back, hips, and thighs, offering relief from cramps. Begin by kneeling on the mat and then lowering your torso forward, resting your forehead on the ground with arms extended or alongside your body. Hold this pose for several breaths, allowing yourself to surrender to relaxation.

2. Cat-Cow
Cat-Cow is a dynamic sequence that helps alleviate tension in the spine and abdomen. Start on your hands and knees, alternating between arching your back (cow pose) and rounding it (cat pose) while synchronizing movement with your breath. Repeat this sequence several times to ease cramps and promote flexibility. Great pose to help relieve pain .

3. Reclining Twist
Reclining Twist is a restorative pose that gently stretches the lower back and hips, offering relief from cramps. Lie on your back with arms extended to the sides, then draw one knee towards your chest and guide it across your body, twisting your spine. Hold the pose for a few breaths before switching sides.

4. Pigeon Pose
Pigeon Pose targets the hips and groin, releasing tension and discomfort associated with cramps. Begin in a tabletop position, then bring one knee forward towards the same-side wrist while extending the opposite leg behind you. Sink into the stretch, allowing gravity to deepen the pose and alleviate cramps. Do left leg and right leg . Super yoga position for your glutes . Relaxing pose too .

5. Corpse Pose
Corpse Pose is a relaxation pose that allows the body to rest and rejuvenate, easing tension and promoting a sense of calm. Lie flat on your back with arms by your sides and legs extended, close your eyes, and focus on deep, rhythmic breathing. Hold this pose for several minutes to unwind and relieve cramps.

6. Cobbler’s Pose (Baddha Konasana)
Cobbler’s Pose opens the hips and groin, relieving tension and discomfort associated with cramps. Sit on the mat with the soles of your feet together and knees bent out to the sides, gently pressing your knees towards the ground. Hold this pose for several breaths, feeling the stretch in your inner thighs. Perfect to release muscle tension.

7. Head to Knee Pose (Janu Sirsasana)
Start in seated position . Head to Knee Pose stretches the hamstrings and lower back, offering relief from cramps. Sit on the mat with one leg extended and the sole of the opposite foot against the inner thigh of the extended leg. Hinge forward from the hips, reaching towards the extended foot with your hands. Hold for several breaths before switching sides.

8. Seated Straddle (Upavistha Konasana)
Seated Straddle stretches the inner thighs and groin, easing discomfort associated with cramps. Sit on the mat with legs extended wide apart, then hinge forward from the hips, reaching towards the ground with your hands. Keep your spine long and chest lifted as you breathe deeply into the stretch. Good to ease digestive system.

9. Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)
Seated Forward Bend targets the hamstrings and lower back, providing relief from cramps. Sit on the mat with legs extended in front of you, then hinge forward from the hips, reaching towards your feet with your hands. Keep your spine straight and lengthen through the crown of your head as you breathe deeply into the stretch. Deep stretch and very beneficial . This is classic pose forward fold in Yoga .

10. Supported Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
Supported Bridge Pose gently stretches the spine and opens the chest, alleviating tension and discomfort associated with cramps. Lie on your back with knees bent and feet hip-width apart, then lift your hips towards the ceiling, placing a block or cushion under your sacrum for support. Hold this pose for several breaths, feeling a gentle release in the lower back.

11. Goddess Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)
Goddess Pose opens the hips and chest, promoting relaxation and easing cramps. Lie on your back with knees bent and feet together, allowing your knees to fall out to the sides in a butterfly shape. Place your hands on your belly and breathe deeply into the pose, feeling a sense of openness and release.

12. Balasana (Child’s Pose)
Balasana, or Child’s Pose, is a soothing posture that gently stretches the back, hips, and thighs. Begin by kneeling on the mat, then lowering your torso forward, resting your forehead on the ground, and extending your arms overhead or alongside your body. Hold this pose for several breaths, allowing yourself to surrender to relaxation. Great for lower abdomen.

13. Supta Matsyendrasana (Reclined Spinal Twist)
Supta Matsyendrasana, or Reclined Spinal Twist, is beneficial for releasing tension in the lower back and hips. Lie on your back with arms extended to the sides, then draw one knee towards your chest and gently guide it across your body, twisting your spine. Hold the pose for a few breaths before repeating on the other side. Great twisting posture and great option for your cramps .

14. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
Bhujangasana, or Cobra Pose, helps strengthen the back muscles while also improving flexibility. Lie on your stomach with palms planted firmly on the mat near your chest, then slowly lift your upper body, keeping your elbows close to your sides. Hold the pose for a few breaths, lengthening through the spine and opening the heart. Great Yoga asana to work on your lower back muscles, lower back pain and stimulate your belly .
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Can beginners try these yoga poses?
Absolutely! These yoga poses are suitable for practitioners of all levels, including beginners. Start slowly and gradually increase intensity as you become more comfortable.
Is it safe to practice yoga during menstruation?
Yes, practicing yoga during menstruation can help alleviate cramps and discomfort, but listen to your body and modify poses as needed.
Are there any precautions I should take when practicing yoga during menstruation?
Avoid strenuous poses that put pressure on the abdomen, and listen to your body’s signals. If a pose feels too intense or exacerbates your symptoms, ease out of it and try a gentler variation.

Yoga can be a great way to find relief from menstrual cramps. Certain poses, such as Child’s Pose, Cat-Cow Stretch, and Reclining Bound Angle Pose, can help to stretch and relax the muscles, reducing tension and discomfort. Certain yoga poses, such as the Supine Twist and Legs-Up-the-Wall pose, can enhance blood flow, which may help to reduce menstrual cramps. By adding these positions to your usual yoga routine, you might notice a notable decrease in your cramps, which could result in better overall health and wellness.

Hello !
I am Eric, a French Australian citizen based between Australia, Asia and Bali and I love to travel and experience the world. I generally like outdoor activities, wellness, great food and venues , party and real local adventures ! I am a Yoga practitioner and fitness lover I created this blog because I love to travel and I want to share my experiences with others. I’ve been traveling since I was a child, and I’ve been to over 50 countries. I’ve seen some amazing things and met some amazing people, and I want to help others experience the same things.

I believe that travel is one of the best ways to learn about the world and about yourself. When you travel, you’re forced to step outside of your comfort zone and experience new things. You learn about different cultures, different religions, and different ways of life. You also learn about yourself, your strengths, and your weaknesses.
Travel can also be a great way to make new friends. When you’re traveling, you’re surrounded by people from all over the world, and you’re all in the same boat. You’re all there to explore and experience new things, and that can create a bond between people.
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I hope that my travel blog will inspire others to travel and to see the world. I also hope that it will help people to learn about different cultures and to become more open-minded.