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What Is Hot Yoga (Bikram Yoga Def): Tips, Benefits [2024]

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Interested to start your hot Yoga journey ?

Are you looking for a a way to define Bikram Yoga ? or Hot Yoga meaning ? This article below will give you a full definition of the hot Yoga and Bikram practice

Yoga is a special kind of yoga spiritual and physical practice very different from the rest of  the fitness industry . Yoga is not a sport, but a science , which not only helps people stay fit, but also improves their mental well-being.

While hatha yoga is a well-known style, are you acquainted with the Bikram version which is also called hot yoga?

It resembles at regular yoga, but your body will be spiced instead of core tightened! Now it is time to focus on what it is that makes Hot Yoga different and what aspects we need to consider when complaining about it.

Want to have a full explanation about Yoga ? check my full explanation of YOGA Here

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The question is: what is hot yoga and how does it help?

– Difference between Bikram Yoga and hot Yoga

– Bikram Yoga definition : the Legacy of Bikram Choudhury . History of Hot Yoga

– Hot Yoga meaning : the Hot Yoga Studio

– The Advantages of Working Out in a Warm Environment

– Breathing Techniques

– How can you prepare as a beginner for hot Yoga ?

what is hot yoga

Hot Yoga Meaning

Bikram yoga is a particular classification of yoga that integrates traditional poses with a room heated to a very high degree. Pretend to yourself as you relax and soothe your body with a light exercise while in the sauna, fully immersed in the comforting warmth Sweat it out, bring it on, that’s what Bikram yoga is all about.

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Difference between Bikram Yoga and hot Yoga

Hot yoga classes and hot yoga sessions typically refer to yoga practices conducted in a heated environment, which can vary in temperature. Bikram yoga, on the other hand, specifically refers to a style of hot yoga developed by Bikram Choudhury, which consists of a series of 26 traditional yoga poses practiced in a room heated to a high temperature of 105 degrees Fahrenheit ( roughly 40 degrees celsius ) with 40 percent humidity.

Bikram Yoga meaning :

Bikram studios are specifically dedicated to offering Bikram yoga sessions taught by Bikram-trained teachers. The original hot yoga, or Bikram yoga, was the first style of hot yoga established in the United States. However, Bikram Choudhury faced legal troubles and sexual assault allegations, leading to the American Council on Exercise cautioning against participating in Bikram yoga due to the associated risks.

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Benefits of hot yoga, including improved physical fitness, mental health, and glucose tolerance, are often attributed to the intense workout and profuse sweating experienced in high heat environments. However, practicing hot yoga in high temperatures may pose risks, especially for individuals with certain health conditions, heart disease, heat-related illnesses, pregnant people, or those with depressive symptoms.

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Hot yoga can be an effective way to improve health-related quality of life for some individuals, but it is crucial to practice in a safe manner and listen to your body’s limits. Some hot yoga classes may use infrared heating instead of traditional high heat methods, and some variations like vinyasa yoga may offer a different experience compared to the Bikram style.

In contrast to Bikram yoga’s high temperatures, other styles of hot yoga may offer lower temperature settings or variations in the heat level to accommodate different preferences and needs. It is essential for practitioners to stay hydrated, avoid practicing on a full stomach, and be aware of the signs of heat-related illness when engaging in hot yoga workouts or classes.

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Bikram Yoga definition : the Legacy of Bikram Choudhury . History of Hot Yoga

Without Bikram Choudhury, who was the genius behind this heated practice, hot yoga would not be what it is today. In the 1970s, Indian yoga master Choudhury brought hot yoga to the world. His technique involves 26 postures and two breathing exercises that are done in a room that is heated to a temperature between 95 and 108 degrees Fahrenheit ( 38 to 41 degrees ) . The body is said to become more flexible and detoxified by the combination of heat and movement.

If you want to know more about the life or Bikram Choudhury :


Hot Yoga meaning : the Hot Yoga Studio

Entering a hot yoga class or a heated room is similar to entering a peaceful, cozy haven. The temperature in the chamber is set to replicate the weather of a tropical paradise, and the humidity level heightens the effect. A transforming yoga experience is put in motion by the calm yet energizing atmosphere.

Temperature between 36 and 41 degrees celsius in Bikram Yoga ( closer to 40 most of theme ) . But some hot yoga studio ( not Bikram ) put the temperature around 32-35 deg celcius

You’ll be joined by like-minded people in a hot yoga class who are all looking to embrace the heat and deepen their practice. As students move through the positions, their bodies gleaming with sweat under the bright warmth, the atmosphere in the hot room is evident.

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The Advantages of Working Out in a Warm Environment

Hot yoga has many advantages that make the discomfort of doing out in a heated setting worthwhile. Some of the benefits are:

Improved Flexibility:

Your muscles warm up more rapidly in the heat, which makes it simpler to ease into longer stretches and increase your range of motion.


Sweating is the body’s natural method of getting rid of toxins. Sweating is encouraged in a hot yoga studio due to the heat, which aids in internal body cleansing.

Enhanced Circulation:

Heat and exercise increase blood flow, which makes it easier for your muscles and organs to receive nutrients and oxygen.

Stress Reduction:

Hot yoga’s meditative elements and the room’s temperature work together to soothe the mind and lower stress levels.

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Weight Loss:

Hot yoga can help you live a better lifestyle by increasing your calorie burn and providing an intensive workout, but it shouldn’t be considered a quick remedy for weight loss.

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Breathing Techniques

The breathing techniques, or pranayama, are essential to hot yoga practice. These methods support better respiratory control and a stronger sense of present-moment awareness. By concentrating on your breathing, you can revitalize your body and quiet your thoughts, which will enable you to give your practice your whole attention.

You’ll be led through a variety of breathing techniques in a hot yoga session, like the Ujjayi breath, which is inhaling and exhaling through the nose while tightening the back of the throat. This sound of breath adds to the overall experience by providing a calming soundtrack to go along with your motions.

In Bikram sequence called 26/02, there is 26 asanas ( postures ) and 2 breathing techniques ( Pranayama )

Check my full description of the Bikram Yoga sequence HERE

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➡️ I am a Yoga teacher, meditator and wellness professional . I wrote many articles about well being, retreats, Yoga and spirituality :

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How can you prepare as a beginner for hot Yoga ?

Unlike other yoga forms, the sweat and heat produced in a hot session provide distinct obstacles. These pointers will help even seasoned hot yogis have the best possible yoga session in a heated atmosphere.

1. Come hydrated.

The most crucial advice I provide to individuals is to drink plenty of water before attending their first hot or heated yoga class. And it entails more than just sipping a glass of water as you enter. In the 24 hours before your first practice, make sure you’re drinking enough water to prevent fainting when you start to perspire.

2. Avoid chugging water in between

Fight the urge to down your entire water bottle in one sitting. I assure you that this will not improve the situation, even though it’s hot and you’re perspiring. Although it’s never a good idea to do yoga when you’re full, drinking water too quickly will undoubtedly make you feel queasy. But don’t use that as a justification for skipping out on sufficient hydration before and after class.

3. Have a light meal before

Eating something a few hours before the practice that has a good ratio of calories from fat, protein, and carbohydrates to provide you with fuel. Not only should you not be full, but you should also not be hungry.

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4. Cotton clothing

For a session that isn’t hot, save your hemp or cotton yoga attire. Similarly, form-fitting clothing holds up better in practice due to sweat than loose, baggy clothing that becomes heavy due to perspiration.

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5. Choose your cool spot

Feeling overpowered by the practice room’s heat and humidity is quite natural. Because heat increases, you can relax in a child’s pose, take a seat, or lie down if you feel overwhelmed. The floor is frequently 15–20 degrees colder than standing height, therefore it’s a good substitute for exiting the room, which could shock the system due to the frigid lobby air.

6. Remember to breathe

If you’ve never done hot yoga before, you may find it difficult to breathe correctly. You should make sure you are breathing deeply and slowly through your nose to prevent feeling lightheaded. If you find it difficult to breathe, take a break but remain in the room.

7. Take breaks

Since yoga is all about you and your practice, you should never feel pressured to keep up with the instructor’s speed if it doesn’t seem right. Take a mental and physical break by posing in child’s pose, especially in hot yoga where your heart rate will be higher than in a typical class. When you’re ready, you can rejoin the class with the others.

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Hot yoga is a popular choice for fitness enthusiasts all over the world because it provides a special fusion of physical challenge and mental serenity. Hot yoga has benefits for everyone, whether your goal is to become more flexible, cleanse your body, or just relax after a hard day.

woman in black tank top and white pants doing yoga


Hello !

I am Eric, a French Australian citizen based between Australia, Asia and Bali and I love to travel and experience the world. I generally like outdoor activities, wellness, great food and venues , party and real local adventures ! I am a Yoga practitioner and fitness lover

I created this blog because I love to travel and I want to share my experiences with others. I’ve been traveling since I was a child, and I’ve been to over 50 countries. I’ve seen some amazing things and met some amazing people, and I want to help others experience the same things.

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I believe that travel is one of the best ways to learn about the world and about yourself. When you travel, you’re forced to step outside of your comfort zone and experience new things. You learn about different cultures, different religions, and different ways of life. You also learn about yourself, your strengths, and your weaknesses.

Travel can also be a great way to make new friends. When you’re traveling, you’re surrounded by people from all over the world, and you’re all in the same boat. You’re all there to explore and experience new things, and that can create a bond between people.

Let’s connect together !

I hope that my travel blog will inspire others to travel and to see the world. I also hope that it will help people to learn about different cultures and to become more open-minded.

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